Cool photos from yesterday’s Annular Eclipse (not “annual,” as the local television news ticker kept insisting).
This one shows the image of the eclipse projected through natural pin-hole cameras: a leafy tree.
Report from Week CLXII, in which entrants were asked to summarize a highly complex issue in words of one syllable: Fourth Runner-Up God told us, “Thou shalt not kill.” We say sure, but it’s fine to [more...]
So, here’s the story of this year’s 48 Hour Film. As always, we had lots of ideas — story ideas, location ideas, etc. — all of which went into the bin when we actually got started. In case you [more...]
It seems like just yesterday that the internet — blogs and mainstream media both — were abuzz and overloaded with stories about the iPhone. Rumors, speculation, loving, hating. And today, there is a blissful [more...]