Cool photos from yesterday’s Annular Eclipse (not “annual,” as the local television news ticker kept insisting).
This one shows the image of the eclipse projected through natural pin-hole cameras: a leafy tree.
My camera was out of juice, or mojo, or pixie dust earlier this week, so I didn’t post this until now — let me introduce you to the very first copy of “Motherlode!” Yes, it has finally arrived [more...]
The big meme of the day: 1.Find your 23rd post (or closest to). 2.Find the fifth sentence (or closest to). 3.Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions. No interrogation, no demonstrating [more...]
The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank this morning illuminates a little-known corner of journalism: the White House pool reporter. The pool reporter is the guy who tags along with the president and provides reports [more...]