The Thing: West Wing reunion! Yes, it’s a political ad, but totally worth it.
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Measuring up
Today’s Style Invitational asked participants to come up with new units of measurement: The serling-rod: The distance between light and shadow, between science and superstition, between a man’s fears and his [more...]
April 11, 2004
As mature as any 10 year old
The Style Invitational, the major reason I read the Sunday Washington Post, turns 10 this weekend. In recognition (or resignation), the Post publishes today’s edition on the front of the Style section, rather than [more...]
March 9, 2003
When geeks collide
You got Star Trek in my Monty Python!
You got Monty Python in my Star Trek!
Hey, two tastes that go great together!
July 29, 2006