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PowerBooks in the desert
In a fluff piece about reporters covering a possible Iraq war, WRC-TV (Washington’s NBC O&O) showed how journalists are equipped: sleeping bags, tents, water, wet wipes… and an Apple PowerBook. The NBC [more...]
February 25, 2003
My Dream Wedding
As seen in my dreams early this morning: For some reason I’m at a wedding and telling the person I’m with that everybody is acting at a wedding, they’re not really being who they are. I lean into the [more...]
March 16, 2004
Our well-balanced leader
Thanks so much to Sammy for this one! MSNBC reports on President Bush’s attempts to ride a Segway, complete with images of him falling off of the self-balancing scooter. The Segway went down on the [more...]
June 13, 2003