Just As I Thought

Walmart and Fox report only 50 employees demonstrated on Black Friday: is that true?


So, what is interesting to me is this: I think that most people agree, when they penetrate the surface, that Wal-Mart is bad for “real wage” jobs, and especially bad for American manufacturing and industry. But at the same time, everyone shops there because the combination of cheap Chinese-made goods and subsistence wages means that they can get crap 70¢ cheaper there. Is our odd American need for a bargain trumping our American sense of what’s right? Or is this another example of our strange predilection for extremes?
We want the biggest house regardless of the ability to afford it, at the same time as we want the cheapest possible price on macaroni and cheese dinners. We want to have the lowest taxes in the world but expect to have more police, more firefighters and more teachers. We never seem to take a careful, measured course down the center. A little from column A and a little from column B. Moderation. Whether in our shopping habits or our fiscal policy or our homes or our eating habits.
Me? I’d rather spend 70¢ more here and there and have the satisfaction of knowing that it creates a stronger economy and country by producing living wages, people who don’t have to be on food stamps and who actually contribute to the economy rather than drag on it while their employers pocket huge profits off their backs. Imagine a country where everyone realizes we live in an interconnected community, and “every man for himself” just doesn’t work.

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