Just As I Thought

And my house is an estate

No other recent first family has lived in a city neighborhood like the Obamas. The $1.6 million mansion he and his wife, Michelle, share with their two young daughters sits just off a busy street — a stretch of which has been closed to traffic — and his closest neighbors are just a few feet away.

I wish the media would stop referring to the Obamas’ home as a mansion. $1.6 million is simply not a mansion, no matter what people may think. This is the 21st century, and this house is in a nice neighborhood in Chicago. $1.6 million is not all that much.
By way of comparison, there are “mansions” here in San Jose just down the street from me that go for the $3-6 million range. A little less than half a mile away is a Victorian that sold for $1.8 million last year.
The people who are trying to paint the Obamas as members of some moneyed elite are pretty hilarious considering how the other party lives. And where the other party lives.

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