Our entry in the 48 Hour Film Project is about to be screened for the first time in downtown Washington, DC, so now’s the time to post it up here for my 3 or 4 dedicated readers who have (A) Quicktime 6 and (B) a broadband connection.
The film is titled “An Elephant Never Forgets.” The requirements for the film were disclosed on Friday evening and we then had to create the film by Sunday evening. Those requirements were:
- Genre: Spy Movie
- Required prop: a paint roller
- Required character: “Buddy Johnson”
- Required dialogue: “So, you’re the guy with the shoes.”
- They also asked for a local landmark.
So, without further ado, here is the entry of Team GTTOTFD!
[Streaming Quicktime MPG4]
I have QT6 and broadband, but wasn’t successfully able to view the film, having tried off and on over the past couple of days. The headers are received, because Quicktime knows the name of the movie, but then it just sits and says “Requested Data” without proceeding. I’m definitely interested, but will wait for the RealPlayer version.
Missed seeing a posting from you yesterday. Hope everything is ok.
Very nice flick. I enjoyed it very much. I can’t wait for the sequel, right?
Okay, I’ve watched a whole bunch of these in preparation for our team’s entry into this year’s 48 Hour Film Project, and yours was by far the funniest and most engaging. The theme song was especially wonderful. Very nicely done! Was it a finalist?