Just As I Thought

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Ari Fleischer, the one person in the Bush administration who actually appears on camera, has announced that he is leaving in July, another of the rats fleeing the Bush ship.
Adam Felber provides an amusing spin on Ari’s style, the “parse master” that put the Clinton team to shame:

Q: Ari, what about the reports that you’re resigning?

MR. FLEISCHER: I don’t have any information on that at the present time.

Q: No, honestly, it’s all over the wires. Apparently you made some sort of announcement this morning.

MR. FLEISCHER: I’m really not in a position to speculate as to-

Q: – It was your statement, Ari. So there really wouldn’t be –

MR. FLEISCHER: – whatever might have been said.

Q: So you’re not quitting?

MR. FLEISCHER: No. Absolutely not.

Q: So you’ll be continuing on as White House Spokesman.

MR. FLEISCHER: No, no I won’t.

Q: Ari, it has to be one or the other.

MR. FLEISCHER: Only if you assume a strict binary opposition between “continuing on” and “quitting.” I’m not prepared to do that at this time.

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