Just As I Thought

Stories of the Stupid

Phil writes:
I have been reading your blog for a while and am often in agreement with you
on many of the issues that you take on. What do you think about this one?


The actual story was listed on msn.com. I would love to hear your take on
this. Does it fall into a “Lack of common sense” category or is there a
different dimension that you would assign it to.

Well, Phil, I’d definitely place that under the “lack of common sense” category, having read more about it now:

The graphic sounds of a deadly bear attack in the Alaska wilderness were captured on tape, revealing a wildlife author’s final screams as he tried to fend off the beast, authorities said yesterday.

…The remains of Treadwell, 46, and Huguenard, 37, both of Malibu, Calif., were found Monday at Katmai National Park. Treadwell was known for approaching bears in the wild.
Timothy Treadwell, the common-sense-lacking instigator here, was “a self-taught bear expert who once called Alaska’s brown bear harmless party animals.” The article neglects to add to that description the phrase “complete moron.”

The two went out to deliberately make contact with dangerous, wild animals – and brought their videocamera to document it. Instead, they documented their own deaths.

And can I just add one little quote from an article – you can read into it what you like: “In his book, Treadwell said he decided to devote himself to saving grizzlies after a drug overdose, followed by several close calls with brown bears in early trips to Alaska.”

This sort of thing reminds me of why I can watch shows like “Trauma in the ER” with no problem, but get upset at “Emergency Vets.” Animals have infinitely more common sense than any human I’ve ever met.


  • I can certainly see that point of view – it was pretty insensitive of me. At the same time, I was trying to make a point: I’m horrified by the glorification through media attention and oftentimes canonization by the public of people who deliberately put themselves into dangerous situations without regard for safety, common sense, or the inevitable consequences of their actions. And when the obvious happens, people seem to be surprised, shocked, and saddened by it. I half expect people to be suprised when the sun rises tomorrow morning.

  • Your sensitivity is really touching. I’m sure Treadwell’s grieving family would appreciate you calling their loved one a “complete moron”. I always believed Tim took too many chances around Grizzlies but I won’t resort to name-calling, especially so soon after the tragedy.

  • Thanks for the response. I must admit you make a good point about people who deliberately put themselves in harms way. I think Treadwell had his reasons, and in the beginning lived among the griz for highly personal motives. As the years progressed I have to wonder if he was doing it for very public reasons, i.e fame and fortune, along with his love and appreciation of the grizzlies. Having followed his dangerous adventures for years I was not all surprised to hear of his grisly (couldn’t avoid the pun) death. It seemed to be obvious to everyone but Treadwell, and the poor girl who went to Alaska with him, that he was pushing his luck beyond all reason.

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