Just As I Thought

That kettle is getting blacker by the minute

It’s part of my mission to point out the endless hypocrisy out there, especially as it concerns the right wing. That’s why I pass along this tidbit via Fark and the Fox News Channel:

John Edwards and John Kerry are trying to appeal to the common man with their populist notions and messages on the campaign trail, but the two multi-millionaires don’t live like most Americans.

The top Democratic presidential hopefuls both own mansions in tony Georgetown, the Washington, D.C., neighborhood known for its prime real estate and high-end fashion boutiques.

I’ve lived here all my life, and have never thought of Georgetown as a place for high-end fashion boutiques. I’ve always thought of it as a place where frat guys go to drink.
As you would expect, the story never once mentions our wealthy president, his wealthy family, his life of privilege, and the various properties he owns or once owned, including a major league baseball team. Nor is there any mention of the incredible wealth that his cabinet and other Republican appointees and members of Congress enjoy.

And the last line, which makes me laugh like a hyena:

Click here to watch a fair and balanced report by Fox News’ Brian Wilson.

That “fair and balanced” tag line has finally become a parody of itself.

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