Heard at a staff meeting this morning, when discussing the traffic problems ensuing from the Reagan funeral and whether we should leave early:
“There is liberal leave in effect today.”
“Yeah, all liberals must leave.”
Heard at a staff meeting this morning, when discussing the traffic problems ensuing from the Reagan funeral and whether we should leave early:
“There is liberal leave in effect today.”
“Yeah, all liberals must leave.”
And we thought that they already had Osama hidden away somewhere, ready for an October surprise. Could be, maybe this is just to throw us off the scent: According to The New Republic Online, hardly a liberal periodical [more...]
An editorial in USA Today has a little something to say about Secretary Rumsfeld’s comments the other day: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld offered the nation a remarkable civics lesson the other day. Asked about [more...]
I saw this story yesterday on the SF Chronicle website. I expected to see it picked up in other papers, but I suppose I am naive because I’ve seen nothing. This isn’t surprising, because as a people we have [more...]
I myself have been dining at KFC the last few days and only ordering the right wings for dinner, you know- just to pay my respects.