When I look at DC’s new paper, The Examiner — free, because who would pay for it? — I get a vision of a scale. The right side, laden with The Examiner and The Times, is scraping the ground; by consequence, the relatively liberal (at least, formerly) Post on the left is riding high.
Here’s what James has to say about this new tabloid, owned by a Christian fundamentalist:
What’s interesting here is that this creates an unprecedented competition between cult leader Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Washington Times and evangelical Christian Philip Anschutz’s Examiner. Let’s check out the tale of the tape:
1. Which editorial page can be a bigger conservative fellatio factory?
The Ex: “Hope blossoms where Bush plants democracy.”
The Times: “For many Americans Sen. Ted Kennedy has long been a caricature of liberal elitism, the bloated shell of what once was the youthful beauty of change.”
Advantage: Times. They just have a way with words.