Back when I lived in cold, snowy Washington, DC, I’d hunker down on those cold days, not wanting to move an inch or lift a finger. But every once in a while, a warm day would come along and I would throw open the house and get motivated.
The same thing has happened here in San Jose; but the cold day here was, oh, 49° or so and rainy. Then, the last three days have been in the 60s, mostly sunny. And that feeling of thaw is still there.
So, I’ve been racing around doing things the last few days, things such as:
- Registered my business in San Jose
- Weeded, pruned, cleared, and mulched front and back flowerbeds
- Completely cleaned and arranged garage for maximum efficiency (and space for my car)
- Rearranged bedroom furniture, making room for a chair so Diego can jump up to the bed
- Installed new thermostat
- Completed shopping and shipping Christmas gifts
- Unpacked all my clothes (finally)
- Got file folders and started to actually file my papers
- Got a door bell
Still to do today: install a new toilet fill valve (for the one in there is starting to fail, and that’s part of my problem with a high water bill), and install new front door locking hardware — nice dark rubbed brass with square features to fit my front door style.
And maybe lunch.
Drinks. You didn’t mention drinks. Gosh, it’s like I don’t even know you any more.