Wow — in 16 days, there have been nearly 50,000 visits to the home page here. Who are all you people? Are you enjoying your visit? What’s new with you?
Hey, I have an idea: why don’t you leave a comment just saying hello, I was here?
Wow — in 16 days, there have been nearly 50,000 visits to the home page here. Who are all you people? Are you enjoying your visit? What’s new with you?
Hey, I have an idea: why don’t you leave a comment just saying hello, I was here?
I’m home this morning because I’m waiting for a Salvation Army truck to come take away a ransom in donations: coffee table, bed, bureau, console table, computer table, kitchen table & chairs, tv [more...]
I used to work with an ultra-talented (and ultra-cute) guy. Over time, I grew to love him, despite knowing that we would never be together. One day, he announced that he had met someone in Atlanta, and seemingly days [more...]
Let’s look back in time, two and a half years. 2005. Back then we were young and innocent, the war in Iraq had already been won, New Orleans was intact and the real estate market was booming. Everything looked [more...]
Hello, I was here.
(you HAD to know that was going to happen)
I was here too….But then again I think you knew that.