I really needed this laugh today: a Bush impersonator reads speeches written by children. Astonishingly, they sound just like real Bush speeches.
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Chicken Little’s second term
Today’s Washington Post Outlook section has a fascinating series of articles about Social Security and the Bush plans to change it. Nearly every article debunks the rhetoric coming from the president. James Randi [more...]
January 23, 2005
Proposition 8 “served no purpose, and had no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California, and to officially reclassify their relationship and families as inferior to those of opposite-sex couples.”
Another poetic ruling. All the rulings so far have been so clear, so simple, so obvious. Which are qualities that are obviously out of reach of bigots.
Download the ruling here.
February 7, 2012
The loophole that enables Sinclair to own so many TV stations
Those "conservatives" are wily, slimy, and slinky when it comes to the cracks they can flow into.
April 4, 2018