Here’s another superlative for the spend-spend-spend-make-our-grandkids-pay Bush administration: the National Debt Clock no longer has enough space to tote up the debt.
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No Place Like Home, Part 2
More of the culture of fear back home. I’m glad I’m not in residence today — my condolences to Thom and Jeff, who live even closer to the Pentagon than I did. Pentagon officials are asking the public [more...]
June 8, 2005
A little more equality
I meant to blog about this yesterday, but was wrapped up in real estate when it came in to the Just as I thought newsroom, teletypes dinging and lights flashing. The Kansas Supreme Court yesterday struck down a state [more...]
October 22, 2005
So fine me
I have noticed recently that NPR’s Morning Edition seems to have taken a lurch to the right, along with most media. The people who control the media seem to have no convictions other than what they perceive from [more...]
January 19, 2005