Just As I Thought

People Who Can’t Hear Themselves Speak

This is an excerpt from an appeal filed by “Protect Marriage” against the Prop 8 ruling. Like their group’s name, these people say things in ironic bizzaro-speak, and don’t even bat an eye.

This is an excerpt from an appeal filed by “Protect Marriage” against the Prop 8 ruling. Like their group’s name, these people say things in ironic bizzaro-speak, and don’t even bat an eye.

At any rate, the inference of anti-gay hostility drawn by the district court is manifestly false. It defames more than seven million California voters as homophobic, a cruelly ironic charge given that California has enacted some of the Nation’s most progressive and sweeping gay-rights protections, including creation of a parallel institution, domestic partnerships, affording same-sex couples all the benefits and obligations of marriage.

Is it just me, or did they just say that homosexuals should be happy because we have made a separate but equal system just for them? Or to put it more succintly, They have their own water fountain, what’s their problem?

Another thing that bugs me is this insistence by the fundamentalist nutbags that same-sex couples get “all the benefits and obligations of marriage”… but not marriage.

So, it’s not equal, is it?

Of course, you can keep breaking down their illogical arguments, and push it until they start saying “Why do the gays have to use the word marriage?” Seriously? Is that what they’re getting worked up about? A word?!

Somehow I don’t think so. But it certainly shows how flimsy their arguments are.

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