Just As I Thought

Stock up on Zoloft

I just don’t understand my fellow Americans. I can’t wrap my mind around what they could possibly be thinking.
Marion Barry gets 96% of the vote? Perhaps they think he’ll share his crack with them or tell them where they can get oral sex one lonely night.
More right wing extremists sent to the Senate, including two who are so extreme that even the Republican party is worried about what they stand for?
Every single anti-gay constitutional amendment passed? People actually voting to enshrine discrimination into law?
And of course, the most divisive and polarizing president in modern history put back into office?
I know that almost exactly half of the country voted against him, but I just can’t help feeling completely isolated and alien, like I do not belong in this place or with these people.
And after the results of the anti-gay referendum, I feel like so many people — people who don’t even know me — hate me.
I don’t know if I can survive 4 more years of the kind of depression, frustration, and fear that I’ve been through since the Bush administration started.
A morbid thought: could this be the first presidential election that results in suicides? In emigration? In depression? In a civil war? Will there be any way to measure the effect this election has on people? Will the country ever heal from the division caused by this president and his party? I am terrified at the thought of what this term will mean for the long term future of our nation and our system of government, with the continued shredding of the constitution, our civil liberties, the cementing of power by Republicans, the steady takeover of the judiciary by right wing extremists, and of course, the possible appointment of right wing zealots to the Supreme Court. Generations of Americans will be living with the legacy of the Bush administration, our own Taliban Light. If you’re not a white fundamentalist Christian you’d better buckle up for a tough ride.
Hold my hand. I’m scared.


  • :holding hands: I just don’t understand. Really. Had no idea those anti-gay votes passed. My god. What the fuck are these people thinking? So which state do you think is going to secede first?

  • I think we all need to hold hands now, we’re all a little scared. But no matter how it ends up, we have the knowledge that we gave it our best and we put up a damn good fight against “the machine”. And that fight continues, no matter who is in the White House next January.

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