Yes, I know that Ioan Gruffod and Jamie Bamber seem to be getting along just fine here, but can’t I dream of just sliding into the middle of that twosome?
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CD Shuffle
Hey! I had a great idea for yet another meme — the web equivalent of the chain letter. List the first CD you ever bought, as well as the last. Here’s mine: My first CD — which I actually still have [more...]
February 7, 2005
An angel and a devil
A great night with Sara in Phoenix! Need a dose of optimism? An example of humanity? A good laugh and a loud guitar solo? Try a Sara Hickman album! Visit Sara’s website to learn more about her. Just a quick note [more...]
November 24, 2002
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I say it every summer, and now the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration agrees: the Earth is getting too damned close to the sun. Posted today on their website (and subsequently removed): NON [more...]
December 17, 2003
Mmm, yes. I do love that Horatio Hornblower. (Tee hee, hornblower.)
I hope you caught Capt Lee Adama (Jamie Bamber) is all his glory (well…the damn towel was in the way) on last Friday’s re-imagined Battlestar Galactica.