Wow — in 16 days, there have been nearly 50,000 visits to the home page here. Who are all you people? Are you enjoying your visit? What’s new with you?
Hey, I have an idea: why don’t you leave a comment just saying hello, I was here?
Wow — in 16 days, there have been nearly 50,000 visits to the home page here. Who are all you people? Are you enjoying your visit? What’s new with you?
Hey, I have an idea: why don’t you leave a comment just saying hello, I was here?
I see how many women have their toenails painted. Those toes always look fresh, clean and perky. A part of me envies that they have time to sit in a chair and have someone massage their feet, let alone clean their feet [more...]
It seems that we are nearing the end of the golden age of television comedians; Louis Nye is the latest to leave us. Louis Nye, 92, a straight-faced comic actor whose television career spanned a half-century, died of [more...]
I’m home — in San Jose. Weird to call it home, but I realized this past week that is is. Very strange, the feelings of homesickness that were threatening to overwhelm me, but then once I went back to DC [more...]
Hello, I was here.
(you HAD to know that was going to happen)
I was here too….But then again I think you knew that.