Just As I Thought

All those big packages

Now I know why my UPS driver is so hot:

For Alberto Ramirez Jr., who directs packages from a conveyor belt into a handful of chutes, his overnight shift Tuesday felt like a daylong workout at the gym.

“There are times when it’s like a sea of boxes coming at you,” said Ramirez. “It’s crazy. It’s like hell week in the Marines. I’ve already lost 30 pounds.”

… Drivers say the packages have gotten bigger. It’s a reflection of larger merchandise such as computers and individual customers who are squeezing more into their gift packages. UPS raised the weight limit in 1994 to 150 pounds from 70 pounds.

“The worst package is anything over 50 pounds,” said driver Bob Koga, “Once people find out you can stuff 150 pounds in a box, they try it.”

SF Gate reports that UPS and other package delivery companies are strained as record shipments are made from all those internet shoppers.

UPS is on pace to top 100 million online tracking requests this week, up from just 100,000 a decade ago. The company was expected to move 20 million packages worldwide Tuesday. FedEx moved 8.5 million packages on its peak day Dec. 12, up from 8.1 million in 2004 the previous high-water mark.


  • I hope you’re getting your guy a present! wink

    Actually the loaders — like Ramirez — have it the worst. It used to be that you had to start out as a loader before you could become a driver. And 150 lbs? That’s ridiculous; a regular person can’t carry that!

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